Work Model

Our algorithms are developed with a fusion approach combining traditional and state of the art teaching and learning methods.

Aligning with the tutor’s priorities, our platform delivers a closer teacher–student interaction than ever before. This results in higher levels of engagement and satisfaction.

We work closely with the school coordinator and subject teachers in every process and assist them in creating a better evaluation platform. Their feedback on the performance of each student is incorporated through a feedback-loop consisting of people, processes, technology, and data. We call it “the four corner-stones of”

This constant visibility and continuous data insights transform the institution into a “DATA FIRST” organization. Periodic assessments are conducted by exclusive evaluation methods for each student based on their speed and accuracy in the preceding tests.

Embracing Agile Process

Our innovative “Parallel Work Streams” are fueled by the methodologies and processes that have revolutionized the manufacturing and IT domains. Implementing this produces a temporal sequence of activities that enables the teachers, students, and management to collaborate. Our values, principles, practices, benefits bring a radical alternative to the existing command and control styled operations.

We strengthen cross functional alignment to improve educational institution’s agility by delivering performance insights, optimization, and recommendations to measure against the goals. We strongly believe in numbers. A look at our sample dashboard will help one visualize it.

The “Parallel WorkStream” also incorporates a K-W-L strategy that helps students confirm what they know about a topic and encourages them to analyze and think about how they want to focus on their success.

Our premier offering includes a proprietary scoring algorithm (similar to Amazon, Yelp) to benchmark the performance of the students across various dimensions.